Saturday, August 11, 2012

What the heck is CrossFit?

That's the question I get most of the time I tell people what I do to workout. I'm from Florida originally and it's spread like wildfire down there, apparently not so much north of the mason dixon. This is the main website - - But from my perspective it's the only thing that has worked for me over the years. In short, it's usually a fairly short workout and uses a lot of muscles at once. Often known as "muscle confusion" this keeps your muscles guessing from day to day. Obviously this isn't a very technical explanation, but it's a simple (and probably girly) way of putting it. Both of the CrossFit gyms I have been a member of follow an OPT program as well. - - Check it out if you have never heard of it.

So what's the bottom line? CrossFit is something that works for me because I enjoy it and go 4-5 days a week. If you find something, anything, even if it's power walking that you can stick to 4-5 days a week.  DO IT!

Since I sliced my finger on my fun new knife, I have been limited on lifting. I want it to heal properly and quickly. So I changed my workout up a little.

WOD (workout of the day)

800m Run

Sit-ups with ab mat
Wall Balls with 14lb Ball

800m Run

Have you done CrossFit before? Like it? Don't like it? Share below.


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